I. The problem of osteoporosis
Osteoporosis Web site opens with this question: "Did you know that woman's risk of osteoporotic fracture is greater than their combined risk of developing cancer of the breast and uterine cervical cancer?" Then, why do people laugh when I tell them that I am for a baseline DEXA study planned next week at the age of 38? "Why do you need, you're so young?" "But you exercise and eat well, why bother?" And my personal favorite: "You are so aware of bodydo not know if you have a problem? "Even with all the media talk about osteoporosis and the fact that one in two women over age 50 will suffer a heart osteoporosis related vertebral fracture people still do not question that.
In fact, I can tick twelve possible risk factors for osteoporosis:
1) I am Caucasian.
2) I'm female.
3) I suffered from severe endometriosis.
4) I was treated, for the second GnRHInhibitors and Depo-Provera, both shown to cause bone loss.
5) I have not had a menstrual cycle for more than 18 months for this treatment.
6) I over-exerted as a teenager.
7) I ate too little, as a teenager.
8) I entered menopause at age 27 after a hysterectomy with removal of both ovaries.
9) I have never given birth.
10) I have a small frame.
11) I smoked for about 10 years.
12) I am adopted and do not know my family doctorHistory.
I'm just not a high risk for osteoporosis, you can do Pilates (at least 2-5 sessions per week), in addition to teacher training and teaching. And there are a lot of Pilates exercises that I have to stop or change radically if my bones are weak.
The problem of osteoporosis is a lot in my Pilates studio. My clients are primarily Caucasian women over 50, many of whom are survivors of breast cancer. In general, these beautiful women, all activeLook good for your health. You have to play decent entertainment, tennis and golf, run a lot and try to eat really well. You have access to the best doctors, the latest medical treatments and cutting edge fitness centers, personal trainers and Pilates studios. However, many of them have low bone density - and osteoporosis (more on the difference in a minute) and the majority move osteopenia on a daily basis in a way that the highest risk for fractures - even those who have gone CERTIFICATEPilates instructors and personal trainers. It 'important that made you so that you know about osteoporosis and what to do for yourself and those you care about.