Osteoporosis Dose and Don'ts
Maintaining bone density by long-term routine loading on our bones, which falls before the training density when exercise achieved canceled.
To ensure the best possible, what you have and to avoid further losses, the following rules:
DO stress in the foot every day.
The other day a client application in osteoporotic study, why should not continue to make the plow in yoga since he was certainly in extreme flexionbearing weight on his back.
Stress in our case means standing! Rolling cut back, not only did not, but it can actually cause vertebral fractures.
DO work on your balance while standing as often as possible.
The child has fallen less than the risk of hip or wrist. Standing yoga postures and physical mind institute
Standing Pilates ® can be very helpful.
DO strength, cardiovascular training and flexibility in security guidelines.
They focus on the spine and the extension of the trunk. Since our body in gravity will begin around us.
It 's important that we work constantly to stay upright with a slight pressure of the shoulder blades and a great lift of the sternum.
DO be careful sneezing and coughing. Many fractures during vigorous coughing and sneezing occur.
Try to stand or sit with your back against something for support.
Do not bend to tie his shoes or Choose something from the floor.
Do not round forward as you enter and exit the bed.
And do not send your spine!
It 'absolutely contraindicated for low bone density.
As you can see in the image of the fracture, the micro-cracks occur in the front of the spine and are irreversible.
Would you like a round ball all the time for the rest of your life?
I know I know!
And I'm afraid to say how many clients with osteoporosis, I saw that, since extreme flexion exercises given by certified Pilates instructor in the studio.
Do not force you to turn your back.
Be kind to your spine. powerful torque is violated.