The Phenomenon Bruno Groening - On the track of the movie "Miracle Healer", a documentary in three parts (each approximately 95 minutes): public screenings on voluntary donations in many countries. In 1949, one name dominated the headlines: Bruno Groening. Editions have been printed in more about him. There were also radio and newsreel reports. A film was shot. Wherever he turns up hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands of people flocked to him. They came from all over Germany, Austria,Switzerland, but also from Belgium, France and the United States. Groening became a world event. Those who came to see him, but they are not followers, fans or groupies. There are sick people. For many it is the last glimmer of hope. Because of the war, abandoned by doctors beaten, have only one wish and that is to be healthy - free from pain and suffering. Bruno Groening should help them. It helps. "There are no incurable God is the greatest physician," were his words. And the unfathomablehappens: innumerable sick people become healthy the lame walk, the blind see ... The documentary "The Phenomenon Bruno Groening - On the traces of the" Miracle Healer "shows the dramatic events of that time objectively original film and sound archive material, over 50 interviews of witnesses, and with great re-enactment scenes All This makes the film a deeply impressive ... This film, however, is more of a documentary look at the past. manyPublic ...
Osteoporosis is the condition characterized by a decrease in the density of bone, decreasing its strength and resulting in fragile bones. This disorder of the skeleton weakens the bone and results in frequent fracture in the bones.
EN-Bruno Groening Trailer documentary film 2 Blur