The "word", osteoporosis can be "divided between the" bone "to the bone and Poros-pores or holes.
And 'the bones, which unfortunately does not show symptoms until the body changes, pain, pathological fractures , or other problems of softening.
Bones are living just like the rest of our living tissues.
They consist of a collagen matrix proteins and minerals are to provide quote again, a composite matrix is continuouslydissolved and rebuilt.
With aging, it takes the ability of the body levels of calcium in the bones to hold. osteoporotic bones are then solved with a speed as to our ability to rebuild bone loss and unhealthy.
Who is susceptible?
Men and women over 50 are susceptible to osteoporosis. Women, especially those who are in menopause, have had hysterectomies or have a family history of osteoporosis are most at risk.Smoking, alcohol consumption, and those who lead sedentary lifestyles are, and patients taking certain medications such as corticosteroids have also increased vulnerability.
To the bone
Good nutrition, exercise, and a quality football is the key to bone health, the Osteoforte Phytovi contains four bio-available forms of calcium (microcrystalline hydroxyapatite, calcium chelate, calcium citrate and calcium phosphate), vitamin and D trackMinerals such as magnesium and strontium, which synergistically promote the collection and processing of calcium.
This combination is specially developed source of calcium Osteoforte the situation, provide that support, our bones, "must.
Osteoforte WHY '?
can Osteoforte is a well-designed formulation that calcium that the body can absorb light and make available for use. Osteoforte can help the formation of strong bones and teeth. Can be used as a supplement, dental, for the conservationgrowth steps, Proceedings, fatigue, brittle bones and nails, osteoporosis and osteoarthritis.
microcrystalline hydroxyapatite (HCHC) is a mixture of ingredients similar to those of bone matrix. It 'been proven to heal bones and bone repair, even in patients who have already carticosteroids bone loss. MCHC also affects bone metabolism and can help to improve the utilization of calcium by the body.
calcium phosphate is a sourcecalcium, which re-mineralization of bone and promotes works in conjunction with MCHC bone, the mineralized cured or converted.
calcium citrate has been shown that clinical studies on calcium absorption in the prices of almost 10 times.
Those with low hydrochloric acid in their digestive system can utilize calcium citrate as simple as its absorption is independent of the levels of acid citrate.
There are also benefits of calcium citrate for people wholower hydrochloric acid in their digestive system, since the absorption is independent of the shape of the levels of acid citrate. It 'also better tolerated in patients with a history of kidney stones.
chelation of calcium is a form of calcium, acid related, an amino-and ensure the delivery of calcium and its absorption through the digestive tract. chelation quality football allowed to take the body, calcium with the amino acid attached.
Strontiumincorporate trace elements (not radioactive form) was shown to increase bone loss and hardening of bones and reduce the formation of new bone.
The Mayo Clinic and other studies, such as strontium ranelate for the treatment of osteoporosis found significant improvement in bone density and fracture risk reduced by the addition of strontium.